551 5/6/15
Description Archive from excavations at Hoddom
Date 1991
Collection Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 5/6/15
Category All Other
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1469863
Collection Hierarchy - Sub-Group Level
> Group Level (551 5/6) Archive from archaeological projects in Dumfries and Galloway Council area
>> Sub-Group Level (551 5/6/15) Archive from excavations at Hoddom
Preview | Category | Catalogue Number | Title | Date | Level |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/1/4 | Excavation Archive: Site Daybooks; April watching brief; June-October excavation; November-December excavation. | 4/1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/1/5 | Excavation/Survey Archive: Level and co-ordinate notebooks with printout for Areas 5-10. | 4/1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/1/6 | Excavation Archive: Find record cards 1-1558; Areas 5-12 and salvage area processing sheets. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/1/7 | Excavation Archive: Environmental retent sorting sheets; flotation assessment sheets; retent and flotation notebooks; Retent catalogue; Flotation catalogue. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/6 | Excavation Archive: accession list. | 2006 | Item Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/7 | Post-excavation Archive: Lithics catalogue. | 25/5/1992 | Item Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/8 | Post-excavation Archive: 'The use of clay and lime on the site' by S Carter. | 3/1995 | Item Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/3/3 | Survey Archive: Contour survey and landscape modelling report. | 2/1994 | Item Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/3/4 | Survey Archive: Report on Geophysical Survey. | 13/3/1992 | Item Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/5/2 | Publication Archive; New Light on the Anglian 'Minister' at Hoddom. | 1991 | Item Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/4/1 | Excavation drawings: pre-ex plans of house and central blackend layer 6000; plans of charcoal material 6002 to W of structure. | 19/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/4/2 | Excavation drawings: Plans of charcoal layer 6001 inside structure; stone cluster 6003; post-hole 6004/05; post-hole 6006/07; post-hole 6010/11; Section of post-holes 6012/13 and 6014/15; post-holes 6016/17, 6020/21/22; post-ex plan of post-holes 6012-15, 6016-19; Section of pit 6008; pits 6023/24 and 6054-6060; Plans of features in SE of Area 6 6025-6027; interior clay 6028; Section of pit 6020-22 and 6030-33; post-ex plan of 6020-21; post-ex of 6001; Section of 6036/35; Plans of walling and rubble 6034; Section through 6037; Plan of stakeholes 6039-6045; plans of palisade trench; section through stakeholes 6025/26, 6047/48; post-ex plan of 6047; Section of 6054-56, 6060-66; Section of palisade slot trench 6051; Plan of linear feature 6054; palisade sections 6051, 6070/6057, 6051/52; Plan of stones 6069; post-ex of pits 6055, 6067; post-ex of pits 6071 and 6075; kiln setting 6083; stake holes 6085; post-holes and stakeholes 6085/86; Section of post-holes 6090-6093; post-holes 6087-89; Plan of post-hole 6086; post-hole 6091; post-hole 6093; multicontext plan of structure 6074-77. | 24/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/4/3 | Excavation drawings: Sections of 6080/81, 6078/79, 6051/52, 6102-09, 6132-35; Plan of kiln bed 6114; Sections 6094-99, 6115-6120; Plan of 6121-6128; rubble and walling 6034; interior feature 6035; Sections of 6110-6113, 3121-6131, 6138-6143; Plan of cut 6138-6143; rubble 6034, 6152; Section of 6146, 6174-6179, 6153-6156; Plan of stone revetting and threshold 6034, 6074-77; floor surface 6101; post-ex of post-holes 6144, 6149, 6171, 6188; stones 6148; W facing section of ditch 6173; Section of 6220-23, 6226-29; 6158/59, 6167/68, 6163/64, 6192/93; Plan of cut 6092 and 6348; Sections of 6206-6213; post-ex of Area 6 post-holes; Sections of post-holes 6180-87, 6224/25, 6204/05; post-hole 6188/89; post-ex plan of 6226, 6190; post-ex plan of post-holes 6180-86, 6204, 6214, 6224; Elevation of wall 6170; Plan of NW area features; Plan of 6170; W baulk section 6235-6240; Plan and section of 6242/41, 6244/43; Plan of clay 6245-46; Sections of post-holes 6247-6252; post-holes 6264-6277, 6295/96; Plan of intercutting post-holes 6206/6213, 6230/31; Sections of post-holes 6297/98, 6318/19, 6299, 6301; post-holes 6304-6309; post-ex plan of post-holes 6306-6310, 6303; Section through post-holes 6247, 6196, 6249; post-holes 6253-6259, 6217; post-holes 6312-17; post-ex plan of post-holes 6312-16, 6323; post-ex plan of post-holes; post-holes 6264-76; Sections of post-holes 6329-6331; Sections of 6325-6328, 6220/21, 6176/77; pit 6322. | 6/8/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/6/2 | Excavation drawings: Plan of 8047 over ditch; E facing section of baulk within house 8000, 8008, 8014-18, 8027, 8034-35, 8045, 8051-52; Plan of charcoal 8053; palisade 8046 and gravel 8036; burnt feature 8062 and 8138; pits 8074/75, 8102-07, 8066-69; extent of 8064; Sections of pits S of ditch 8054-60; Plan of pits; pits 8096-8101; Section of pit 8017; Plan of pits 8076-87, 8108/09; pits 8088-95; Sections of pits 8066-77; Plan of pits; post-hole 8111 and pipe 8131; extent of rubble 8119; collapsed stones in NE corner of building 8125-26; charcoal spread 8113; burnt layer 8120; layer extending from flue 8123; Sections of pits 8094-8105, 8108/09, 8112/13, 8131; Plan of pits; layer 8120; pre-ex of packing stones 8136 and post-ex of pits 8135, 8143, 8137; Section of pits 8134-37, 8140-43; Plan of rubble surface inside building 8034; 8034 and worked stone 8144; Section of 8120 and 8139; Plan of extent of 8139; cobbled surface 8146; extent of 8145; multi-context floor plan of house 8147-49, 8158; Sections of post-holes 8154-57, 8160/61; Plan of house cut 8017 and stones 8197, stakeholes 8155/57; charcoal surface 8149 showing blue samples 156-169; Sections of pits 8081/80, 8084-93, 8150-53; Plan of slabs 8147; rubble in centre of floor 8158; rubble and clay filling 8159; Section of S side 8003, 8013, 8016, 8163, 8047; Plan of stones 8166; post-hole 8161; floor surface of house 8148; E facing section of pit showing 8053, 8146, 8163, 8047. | 17/9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/4/4 | Excavation drawings: Section of pit 6322; Plan of pit 6322; W side of house cut; N side of house; S side of house; Section of 6332; Sections of 6278-94, 6261-64; Profile of 6320 and 6249; Section of 6334-37; post-ex plan of post-holes 6329-31, 6344-45; post-ex plan of pit and post-hole 6322, 6343; E-W transect of Area 6, profile of house cut and central platform from N central postion; profile of house cut and pits from S central position; N side contour plan of post-holes; S side contour plan of post-holes; Sections of 6144/45, 6149/50, 6171/72, 6218/19. | 16/8/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/6/3 | Excavation drawings: Plan of clay/rubble 8172; stone lining 8121 and rubble backfill 8170; 8121 and 8173; Section of building showing 8035, 8045, 8032; Plan of flue trench 8174; Sections of pits 8088/89, 8180-83, 8177/76; pit 8178/79 and post-hole 8135; Plan of extent of clay layer 8168; E wall of structure 8001; palisade slot 8179; charcoal plank 8175; W wall of structure 8002; N wall 8193; mortar base 8167; E facing section of stone channel showing 8121, 8167, 8190, 8168, 8201, 8206; S wall of structure 8194; Section of sunken building showing 8003, 8013, 8186, 8162-3, 8184-5, 8047, 8053; Plan of upper charcoal 8185; Section through passageway 8215, 8253, 8191, 8172, 8159; Plan of flagstones 8169; Sections through sunken building 8013, 8016, 8047, 8185, 8003, 8028; Plan of fill in passageway 8191; charcoal floor surface 8053 and cut 8162; 8053, stone setting 8202, clay 8204 and cut 8162; charcoal layer 8200 at end of passageway; Section of burnt feature 8062, 8138, 8198-9, 8210, 8189; Plan of 8198; mortar base 8201; charcoal 8053 and post-hole 8218/19; 8053 and clay 8203; passageway paving 8213 and clay linning 8214; extent of fill 8206; passageway fill 8196; Sample grid and findspots; clay linning 8199; Plan and section of post-hole 8207/08; N facing section through gravel 8196 showing 8214, 8216, 8237-8; Plan of 8210; Elevation of W interior wall face 8002 and corner slot 8195; N interior wall face 8193; E interior wall face 8001; S interior wall face 8194; Plan of feature joining rest of 8053. | 3/10/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/5/1 | Excavation drawings: Plan of stone group 7053; stone group 7049; main wall 7034 and interior 7033; clay 7061; clay 7054; occupation spread 7042; clay 7062; spread 7042; stone feature 7050; stone spread 7015; mottled surface 7025; gravel 7047 and stone 7027; industrial spread 7033; spread 7065; stone groups 7051/52 and earth 7060; clay 7055; dump 7067; clay dump 7065; stone spreads 7002/7071; stones and gravel 7078; industrial spread 7003; pre-excavation of rectangular structure; industrial spread and rubble 7079/7030/7068; gravel floor 7081; red clay and industrial spread 7082, 7039, 7040; Plans of pits in S end of Area 7; rubble spread 7086; rubble in industrial spread 7035, 7085; midden 7087; pits in S of Area 7; Section of pits 7263, 7285, 7275/76, 7277/78, 7293/95, 7300-7311; Plan of possible furnace 7088; Sections through bank and ditch 7089-7102; burnt spread 7103; general plan of spreads; Sections of pits/post-holes 7200-7219, 7224/25, 7245-7252; Plan of N wall 7106; industrial area 7118 and rubble 7107. | 7/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/6/4 | Excavation drawings: Plan of linear fill 8223; Sections of pits 8218/19, 8225-36, 8239/40; Plans of pits; layer 8217 at SW end of passageway; Sections of pits 8241-46, 8248, 8226, 8251, 8254-57, 8259; Plan of clay surface 8253; Section of 8162 showing 8252, 8249, 8223; pits 8261-5, 8286-91, 8202; Plan of S middle entrance 8162; Elevation of E side of passageway in S wall 8194; Sections of pits and post-pipes 8267-70, 8274/75, 8280, 8282, 8284; Plans of pits and post-holes; Plans of clay 8203, gravel surfaces 8221-2, clay 8276, beamslot 8277, charcoal 8278, fills and cuts 8286-91; Elevation of W side of entrance through S wall 8194; Plan of clay loam 8220; Elevation of E wall 8001 with foundation 8273; Plan of charcoal surface 8285; Plans of fire box 8292, 8324, 8326 and features at N end 8291, 8297, 8289, 8287; mortar in passage 8293 under 8285; loam in passage 8237; Section of fire box 8326 with stone uprights 8202 and cuts 8297, 8289, 8277; Plans of post/stakeholes 8299-8323 and 8287, 8332, 8331, 8277; Sections of post/stakeholes; Plan of deposit 8238; mortar surface 8334; Elevation of entrance in wall 8194 showing paving 8213, packing 8272 and passage cut 8215; Sections of pits 8361/62, 8377/78, 8381/82; Plans of post-holes 8340-8378; layer 8338 in passage; charcoal 8335; clay 8336; post-holes 8380 and 8382; charcoal depression 8337; E-W profile of 8162, 8255, 8315, 8291, 8277; S-N profile of 8162; Plan of passage clay 8214, lining stones 8216 and base stones 8213; paving and side stones of passage; Sections of post-holes/pits 8383-96; Plans of post-holes/pits and sections of 8403-8410; stone lining 8216; passage cut 8215; Profile of passage 8216 and 8215; Section of pit 8397-8402; N-S profiles of cut 8215; Plan of paved floor 8148 including stone numbers; working plan of 8148; E-W profile of cut for building 8273; N-S profile of 8273. | 27/11/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/5/3 | Excavation drawings: Section of post-holes 7506-08, 7519; Plan of possible furnace base 7168/69 and 7172; Section of furnace base; Plan of spread 7238; Sections of pits 7486/85, 7493/92, 7505/04, 7527/28, 7501/00, 7522/21, 7549/48, 7558/59; Plan of pits; possible floor surface 7171; pre-ex of burnt clay feature 7173; Sections of pits/post-holes 7511/12, 7523/24, 7541-43, 7554/55, 7542; Plans of pits/post-holes; Section of 7173; Plan of post-holes 7513/14, 7525/26, 7556/57, 7562/63, 7576/77, 7583/84 and ash spread 7157; Sections of post-holes; Plans of pits 7529/30, 7560/61, 7581/82; Sections of pits; Plan of pits 7547, 7545; Sections of pits 7544-47 and 7179-81; Plan of clay feature 7176; burnt/ash spread 7177; Section of 7177; pits 7496-99; Plan of stakeholes and pits 7508, 7536; pit 7580/7594; Section of 7580; Plan of possible floor surface 7182; Sections of pits 7608/09, 7639/38, 7602/03, 7614-17, 7628-32; Plan of pits; clay lined pit 7191/7181/7605; Sections of pits 7599/98, 7619/18, 7633/32, 7613/12, 7623-25; Plan of pits; Sections of pits 7597/96, 7606/07, 7610/11, 7621/22, 7626/27, 7635/34; Plan of pits; charcoal/daub spread 7187; Section of 7187; Section of 7192, 7195-97; Plan of cut 7194/7199; E wall of kiln house 7031; Section of post-hole 7702/01; Section of pits 7641/40, 7657/56; pits 7642/43, 7365, 7647-49, 7652-55, 7681/82, 7682, 7667, 7669/68; pits 7651/50, 7658-65; Section through ditch showing collapse from wall trench 7106, 7703-07, 7710-13; Plan of stakeholes 7670-80, 7683-85; Section of pits 7687-89, 7695-99, 7751-56, 7759/60; Plan of pits; Section of pits 7768/60, 7774/73, 7783/84, 7787-90. | 19/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/7 | Excavation drawings: Plan of pits/features 9024-27 and 9048-53; 9028-35; 9000-01 and 9036-37; 9020-23; 9002-19; Sections of 9000-19, 9036-37, 9054; 9048-53 and 9020-27; 9028-35; Plan and section of 9055/56; Plan of 9043/42 and 9057/58; 9040/41 and 9060/59; linear ditch 9061-64; 9061/62 and 9065/66; 9046/47; Sections of 9040-43 and 9057-60; 9044-47, 9061/62 and 9065-69; Plans of 9044, 9067, 9070 and 9072; Sections of 9070-76 and plan of post-hole 9075; Post-ex plans of features; Profile of 9004/05, 9054, 9081/80 and 9077. | 23/6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/8 | Excavation drawings: Sections of all features in N area 1000-41; Plans of features; Sections of all features in E area 1042-45; Plan of 1042; Plan of 1044. | 15/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/9 | Excavation drawings: Plan of upper fill of 2010 in pit 2009; stoney fill 2013; fill 2017 in pit 2016; 2013; pit fill 2019; pit fill 2018; fill 2020; stone edging 2021 in 2016; stones 2024; feature 2022/23; fill 2025; mixed charcoal and burnt clay 2028 in 2009 showing red and blue sample areas; Section through ditch 2029 and linear feature 2030; Plan of 2016 recut; N facing section through 2016 and pit 2027; Plan of layer 2026 in 2027; pit 2027; ditch 2029/2031; post-hole 2034/35; post-hole 2036/37; Section of 2034/35; sheep burial pit 2011/12; pits 2014/15 and 2038/39; clay lining 2040 in 2009; Section of pits; sheep pit 2011/12; Plan of ditch 2031/2029; Sections of post-holes 2041-44; Plan of post-holes; charcoal layer 2045 in 2009; 2045 and grain surface 2048 showing sample locations; Sample grid for 2048; Plan of sand layer 2049 at pit base; stones 2050 and sand matrix 2051; post-ex of 2009; E-W profile through 2009; N-S profile through 2009 kiln pit and grain pit. | 5/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/5/2 | Excavation drawings: Section of 7238-7244; Plan of post-holes 7261, 7241, 7268; Section of post-hole 7261; post-hole 7268; Plan of kilns in bunker 7004, 7028, 7108-7116; linear feature 7238 and post-holes 7241, 7261, 7268; bunker spread 7120; Sections of post-holes 7214/15, 7270-74, 7231-35, 7262/64, 7280/79, 7292/91, 7298/97; Plans of post-holes in S area; Section of 7319-22; Sections of post-holes 7220-7230, 7236/37; Plan of E bunker wall and spreads 7034, 7038, 7125; Sections along linear feature 7283; Plan of kiln and bunker 7004, 7109-11, 7114, 7119; Section of ditch 7129-37; ditch 7094, 7099; post-holes 7253-59, 7287-90, 7361/60; wall of E house 7034; post-ex plan of linear feature 7283 and post-holes; post-ex of post-holes 7319-21, 7365; Area 7 post-holes; Sections of post-holes 7314-18, 7337-57; post-holes 7323-27, 7310/09, 7265/66, 7359/58, 7362/63, 7331-34; Plan of wall 7024/7112 and kiln outlines 7004/7111; Sections of 7379-82, 7358/59, 7362/63; post-holes 7366-76; Plan of post-holes; circular kiln and flags in bunker 7116, 7143, 7146-48; detail of W side; pre-ex plan of post-holes; N-S profile of kiln 7106, 7048, 7143; E-W profile 7018-19, 7031, 7143; kiln corner post-holes 7155-58; Sections of post-holes 7155-62; post-ex plan of corner post-holes 7159-62; Sections of pits 7386/85, 7409/08, 7394-99, 7478/77, 7422-27, 7451/52, 7460/61; Plan of pits; Sections of post-holes and pits 7383/84, 7391/92, 7416-19, 7434-37, 7445/46, 7457/58; Plans of pits and post-holes; Sections of pits 7387/88, 7406/07, 7430-33, 7449/50, 7468/69; Plans of pits; Section of cuts 7389-7403, 7413/12, 7421/20, 7439/38, 7441/40, 7453-56, 7464-67, 7482/81, 7489/88; Plan of cuts; Section of pits 7393/94, 7404/05, 7411/10, 7414/15, 7429/7072, 7480/79, 7442-44, 7448/47, 7463/62; Plan of pits; Section of pit cluster 7416/17, 7434-37, 7445/46, 7458/59, 7471/72; cuts 7474/73, 7484/83, 7491/90; Plan of cuts; co-ordinates of ditch fill. | 25/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/10 | Excavation drawings: Sections of pits 2200/01, 2104-11, 2116, 2123/24, 2129-32, 2137/38; Plans of pits; Section of pits 2102/03, 2117/18, 2127/28, 2139-46; Plans of pits; Section of pits 2112-15, 2119-22, 2025/26; Plans of pits; Sections of pits 2133-36, 2147-50, 2155/56, 2161/62; Plans of pits 2093/94 and 2163/64; Section of pits 2153/54 and 2164/63; Section of pits 2151/52, 2159/60, 2166/65, 2171/72, 2181-84; Section of ditch 2175-80; Sections of pits 2167-70 and 2173/74; W facing section of ditch 2187/88 and linear feature 2185/86; S facing section of linear feature 2189/90; W facing section of linear feature 2192 and ditch 2198; Plan of cuts at intersection of ditch and curvilinear feature 2188 and 2186; pre-monastic hearths 2200 and 2201; Section through hearths; Sections on linear feature 2235-39; Plan of linear feature 2189-91; Plans of pits and features; possible hearth 2241; Section of 2266, 2271, 2198, 2252/53; pit 2265/64. | 23/9/1991 | Batch Level |