Excavation drawings: Plan of pits/features 9024-27 and 9048-53; 9028-35; 9000-01 and 9036-37; 9020-23; 9002-19; Sections of 9000-19, 9036-37, 9054; 9048-53 and 9020-27; 9028-35; Plan and section of 90 ...
BD 115/7
Description Excavation drawings: Plan of pits/features 9024-27 and 9048-53; 9028-35; 9000-01 and 9036-37; 9020-23; 9002-19; Sections of 9000-19, 9036-37, 9054; 9048-53 and 9020-27; 9028-35; Plan and section of 9055/56; Plan of 9043/42 and 9057/58; 9040/41 and 9060/59; linear ditch 9061-64; 9061/62 and 9065/66; 9046/47; Sections of 9040-43 and 9057-60; 9044-47, 9061/62 and 9065-69; Plans of 9044, 9067, 9070 and 9072; Sections of 9070-76 and plan of post-hole 9075; Post-ex plans of features; Profile of 9004/05, 9054, 9081/80 and 9077.
Date 23/6/1991 to 25/7/1991
Collection Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland
Catalogue Number BD 115/7
Category Prints and Drawings
Scale 1:20; 1:10
Accession Number 2006/124
External Reference AOC136; Area 9; Dr 25-49.
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1069661