551 5/6/15
Description Archive from excavations at Hoddom
Date 1991
Collection Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 5/6/15
Category All Other
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1469863
Collection Hierarchy - Sub-Group Level
> Group Level (551 5/6) Archive from archaeological projects in Dumfries and Galloway Council area
>> Sub-Group Level (551 5/6/15) Archive from excavations at Hoddom
Preview | Category | Catalogue Number | Title | Date | Level |
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On-line Digital Images | SC 1061423 | Excavation photographs: kiln house excavation in Area 7. | 8/1991 | Item Level |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/1 | Post-excavation Archive: Pottery; 'Hoddom: Coarse Pottery' by A MacSween; 'The Early Medieval and Early Post-Medieval Pottery from Hoddom' with catalogue by Gordon Turnbull. | 6/1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/2 | Post-excavation Archive: Glass finds catalogue by H Moore; 'Glass Finds Report' and 'Hoddom: Glass Finds' by K R Murdoch. | 6/1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/3 | Post-excavation Archive: Wood; catalogue; 'Hoddom: the carbonised wood' and 'Hoddom: the wooden artefacts' by B A Crone. | 1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/4 | Post-excavation Archive: Bone; Provisional outline for studies; catalogue; 'A report on the mammal bones from Hoddom'. | 1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/5 | Post-excavation Archive: Coins; Identification of Medieval coin by N Holmes; 'Hoddom: report on the ninth century coins' final and draft report by E J E Pirie. | 10/1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/6 | Post-excavation Archive: Stone; architectural stone fragments discussion and catalogue; 'Hoddom Stone I.D' by D Dixon; 'Hoddom: Coarse Stone' by G Burgess; 'Roman Inscribed Stones from Hoddom' draft and final version by L Keppie; 'The Sculptured Stones from Hoddom, 1991' draft; lithological identifications by D Dixon; 'The Sculptured Stones' final versions by D Craig. | 1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/9 | Post-excavation Archive: Metal; finds catalogue; 'Hoddom Metalwork' by N Finlay; 'Classification and Analysis of Slags from Hoddom, Dumfriesshire' by D Harvey and L Wheeler draft and final version; 'The Hoddom Industrial Waste; an assessment'; 'Report on the analytical examination of the iron-related material waste from Hoddom: a case of two iron making technologies' by E Photos-Jones. | 1993 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/10 | Post-excavation Archive: Finds catalogue; Artefactual Evidence report by various authors. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/11 | Post-excavation Archive: Conservation Assessment report; Conservation of a copper alloy fragment from Hoddom. | 7/2/1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/12 | Post-excavation Archive: Routine Soil Analysis report; The routine soil samples report - draft and final version by S Carter; Pre-sorting sample assessment; Post-sorting assessment report; Sample Assessment; Post-sorting results; notes on Hoddom Samples; Routine Sample catalogue; Red Sample catalogue; Blue Sample catalogue. | 1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/13 | Post-excavation Archive: Environmental; Assessment report for the plant macrofossil analysis from Hoddom by T Holden; Research Aims of Maccroplant Study; The Botanical Remains of a Corn Drying Kiln at Hoddom by G Burgess; Introduction to the palaeoenvironmental and economic evidence by C M Mills; Regional Land Use Change in the Historic period on the Northern Solway Plain by R Tipping; The Botanical Evidence - draft and final by T Holden; The Botanical Data; The Plant Identifications data from Hoddom - Scanned samples; The Plant Identifications data from Hoddom - Samples for Full Analysis; Seed distribution graphs. | 1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/2/14 | Post-excavation Archive: Radiocarbon dating; Preliminary C14 dating programme; Radiocarbon submissions 1991-1994; A further submission of samples from Hoddom; Preliminary Radiocarbon Taphonomy Report - revised and final version; Research aims for the radiocarbon calibration and statistical analysis programme; Statistical analysis of calibrated radiocarbon dates. | 6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/3/1 | Survey Archive: Post Plough and Metal Detection Survey; 'Hoddom the Churchyard Holm Field: The impact of Ploughing on Archaeological Stratigraphy' - draft and final version; Background survey data; Post-ploughing survey in lower field results; Survey data sheets with sketches. | 9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/3/2 | Survey Archive: Soil Survey report; Introduction to the geomorphology and soils and A soil survey of the Quarry, Old Glebe and Churchyard Holm fields - contributions to publication text. | 3/1992 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/4/1 | Research Reports: Hoddom, Ecclefechan, and the Place-Names of Southern Annadale - draft and final version by D Brooke. | 2/1995 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/4/2 | Structures Reports: Area 5; Area 6; Area 8; Area 10; Area 11; Area 12; Area 13. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/4/3 | Project Reports: Planning Application to Dumfries and Galloway Council by J W H Ross & Co Consulting Mining Engineers; Interim Statement and Excavation Project Design; Project Design for a further phase of fieldwork; Assessment Research Design; Post-excavation Research Design; Post-excavation research design and publication plan. | 1987 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/4/4 | Interim Reports: Report on a Watching Brief at Hallguard's Qyarry Hoddom; Phase 1 Assessment; Phase 2 Assessment; Excavations at Hallguards Quarry, Hoddom, Annandale District, Dumfries and Galloway Region: interim report. | 4/1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/5/1 | Publication Archive; Monograph drafts; Hoddom Part 2: Historical Background; Hoddom Part 6 & 7: The Excavated Structures and Deposits; Hoddom Part 7: The Excavated Structures; Hoddom Parts 9 & 10: Artefacts & Radiocarbon dating; Chapter 11: Stratigraphic correlation & site phasing; Chapter 13:Structural Analysis & Comparanda; Chapter 13: Tables; Chapter 14: Conclusion and Bibliography; 'Excavations at Hoddom, Dumfriesshire: an enclosed high status settlement of the Late First Millennium' - revised second draft; 'Excavations at Hoddom, Dumfriesshire: an enclosed Holy Place of the Late First Millennium AD - full draft version; Hoddom illustrations. | 1995 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/5/3 | Publication Archive; extract from Current Archaeology on Roman remains; contribution entry for friends of Historic Scotland newsletter. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/1/1 | Excavation Archive: Context register and record cards for Areas 5-13 and salvage Area. | 6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/1/2 | Excavation Archive: Drawing registers; Areas 5-13 and salvage area; drawing catalogue including concordance list; special drawings catalogue; drawing reference card. | 6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Manuscripts | MS 3045/1/3 | Excavation Archive: Photographic registers; Areas 1-5 and salvage area from watching brief; Areas 5-13 and salvage area; Area 8; photographic catalogue including concordance list. | 4/1991 | Batch Level |