551 5/6/15
Description Archive from excavations at Hoddom
Date 1991
Collection Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 5/6/15
Category All Other
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1469863
Collection Hierarchy - Sub-Group Level
> Group Level (551 5/6) Archive from archaeological projects in Dumfries and Galloway Council area
>> Sub-Group Level (551 5/6/15) Archive from excavations at Hoddom
Preview | Category | Catalogue Number | Title | Date | Level |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/20 | Excavation photographs: film card; Area 8 section through pit 8017; half section of post-hole 8060; extent of 8064 from W; extent of 8062 from E; post-ex of pit 8059; 8056; 8054; pre-ex of 8049 from S; spread 8113 SW of house; half section of post-hole 8066; 8068; 8074; layer 8120 in cut 8063 from W; rubble 8019 in W end of cut 8063; half section of pit 8094/5; wall course 8126 in NE corner of structure; wall course 8125 in NW corner of structure; half section of pit 8096/7; general view of features 8113-5, 8117 and 8122-3 in gully leading to flue from SW; detail of 8126 showing slump in NE corner; half section of pit 8072/3; 8076/7; 8098/9. | 9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/21 | Excavation photographs: film card; Area 8 layer 8120 from W; half section of pit 8104/5; clay 8127 over NE corner stones of structure; half section of pit 8100/1; 8102/3; post-ex of pit 8094; 8097; 8099; 8103; 8101; 8066; 8069; 8075; 8077; post pipe 8131 in pit 8111/2; spread 8120 from E; half section of pit 8111/2 with pipe 8131; roman inscribed stone 8130 in situ of wall; half section of pit 8108/9; 8078/9; half section of post-hole 8135; 8137; half section of pit 8080/1; general views of rubble collapse 8034 in structure from S; half section of post-hole 8134; flue feature 8139 in 8063; half section of post-hole 8141. | 9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/5/9 PO | Excavation photographs: daybook polaroids; Area 7 view of ditch; bunker and industrial area; pits in Southern half; W facing ditch section; kiln complex; kiln house; gap in kiln wall 7700; kiln with gravel exposed; clay filled pits 7175, 7185/6, 7188/9 and 7193/4; view outside flue; Area 6 structure entrance; detail of structure interior; general views of Area 6; excavation of structure; post-ex of post-holes; ditch section 6173; interior stones; Area 11 pit 2009; gravel fill 2018; fill 2028; ditch fill 2029; pit 2016/17; sample grid over 2048; timber stakes 2046 in situ of 2009; 2009; grain pit 2049; kiln pit 2050/1; Area 10(N); Area 13 revetting wall 3102; well cut 3108; detail of well. | 6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/5/10 PO | Excavation photographs: daybook polaroids; fills 8217 and 8220; elevation of S interior wall 8194; elevation of N wall 8193; elevation of W wall 8002; elevation of E wall 8001; W facing view of passage entrance; E facing view of passage entrance; elevation of E external wall 8001; S wall 8194; interior view of NE corner; SW corner; NW corner; post-ex of sunken building; stone find 200. | 11/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/5/8 PO | Excavation photographs: polaroids taken of Area 12; ditch intersection with fenceline; fenceline; W baulk ditch section; ditch intersection 2198 with fenceline 2192; hearth 2241 and post-hole 2274/5; post-hole 2254/5; 2260/1 and 2262/3; pits 2267/8 and 2269/70; 2272/3; 2274/5. | 6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/3/19 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 7 post-ex of pit 7490; 7486; half section of pit 7500; post-ex of pit 7495; half section of pits 7496-99; post-ex of 7479; 7496-99; 7505; pre-ex of clay furnace base 7168 from S; post-pipe cut 7507; half section of 7168; 7508 cut by 7507; post-ex of 7508; half section of 7511; 7513; 7521; post-ex of 7512; 7168 with fill 7169 removed; post-ex of 7521; 7514; half section of 7523; 7527; post-ex of 7524; 7519; half section of pit 7525; furnace 7168 cut 7172; general view of possible floor surface 7171 from E; burnt clay spread 7173 from E; half section of 7541; post-ex of 7526; half section of 7529; pre-ex of ash/clay spread 7167 from E. | 8/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/3/31 CS | Excavation photographs: worked stone in cemetery; Area 14 features; location shot; helicopter used at Hoddom; general views of excavations; Area 13 N-S section through well and revetted terrace; wall 3102 from W; 3102 in plan from E-W. | 10/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/3/32 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 13 wall 3102 in section from E-W; W end of section; Area 12 general views of linear feature, ditch and pits; section across fence line and intersection with ditch 2185-2190; general views of fence line, ditch and early pits; pre-ex of pre-monastic pits 2200; general view. | 10/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/5/5 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 8 detail of NE corner of building 8193/8001; layer of flat stones 8001; detail of back courses of 8002; working shot of de-construction; ditch section from W; post-ex view of passage and building from S; general view; working shots. | 8/12/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/6 CS | Aerial photographs: oblique views of Hoddom quarry, excavations and location from helicopter. | 8/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/22 | Excavation photographs: film card; Area 8 half section of post-hole 8143; half section of pit 8092/3; section through W end of 8063 showing 8139; half section of pit 8090/1; post-ex of flue in 8063 from W; half section of pits 8088/9; floor paving 8148 in house interior from S; 8148 from E; detail of 8148; half section of pit 8086/7; half section of post-holes 8155-7; half section of pit 8084/5; half section of post-hole 8160/1; section through pit cut 8162 in ditch; clay and rubble 8159 in trench S of flue; slabs 8147 on paving 8148; 8063 from E after removal of 8145; half section of pit 8164/5; half section of pit 8162 showing entrance; stones in pit 8088/9; clay and rubble collapse 8172 outside flue; post-ex of 8017; post-ex of pit 8093; 8091. | 9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/23 | Excavation photographs: film card; Area 8 post-ex of pit 8089; 8087; 8085; 8079; 8109; 8105; 8112; section through baulk of house showing continuation of 8035; flagstones 8169; general shot of features in 8063 from E; 8063 from W; N face of stone lining 8121 in 8063; detail of roman concrete in 8121; general view of stone building from S; S facing section through 8162; wood beam in stone building; detail of wood beam; E-W section through 8162. | 10/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/1/1 CS | Assessment and Survey photographs: Area 1 pre-excavation; section S-N; 1002 after removal of 1007; 1003 after removal of 1002; 1004 after removal of 1003; 1005 after removal of 1004; gravel bands cut by ditch; post-ex of cut 1008; section N-S; post-ex of Area 1; Area 2 section; Area 4 pre-excavation; Area 4 post-ex; Survey; view of line of ditch looking W; view to Area 4 from W; line of ditch from W; view S from ditch to graveyard. | 1/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/4/6 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 5 half section of post-holes 5082, 5452 and 5080; 5402; 5380; 5382 and 5076; 5366; post-hole 5314 with daub exposed; half section of 5314; half section of post-holes 5461 and 5386; 5078; post pipe cut 5212; half section of post-hole 5472; 5310 and 5364; Area 10(N) views from N after first cleaning; Area 5 view from tower; Area 10 half section of pit 1010/11; 1012/13; Area 5 post-holes 5308 and 5478/9; half section of post-hole 5080; half section of pit/post-holes 5341, 5451, 5472 and 5449; half section of post-hole 5482; pits 5484 with large stones; Area 10 half section of post-hole 1025; 1027; half section of feature 1017 under W baulk; half section of feature 1019; 1029; rabbit burrow 1025; half section of feature 1039. | 7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/7/1 CS | Artefact photographs: stone cross fragments from Survey area; SF26; SF1353; SF33; SF34; SF32; SF27/29; SF1352. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/7 | Excavation photographs: film card; Area 10 half section of feature 1035; 1037; Area 5 section of post-hole 5426 cut by 5469; Area 7 industrial deposit 7067; location of 7067 from E; working shot; Area 5 pit 5434 and post-holes; post-hole 5438; half section of pit 5436; Area 7 clay dump 7056; stone spreads 7002 E of bunker; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5282; detail of 5282 showing carbonised wood; Area 7 general shots of excavation from E; Area 5 general shots of excavation from W; Area 7 pebble spread 7078 from W; Area 5/6 ditch and palisade from W; ditch and palisade from E. | 7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/24 | Excavation photographs: film card; Area 8 half section of pit 8176/7; half section through palisade 8179; half section of pit 8180/1; 8182/3; section through layer; section through mortar base of 8063; section through upper pink clay layer 8138; Area 14 pre-ex view of features from W; general view of Area 14 location. | 10/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/6/1 CN | Aerial photographs: oblique morning views of Hoddom excavations and location from helicopter. | 8/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/6/2 CN | Aerial photographs: oblique afternoon views of Hoddom excavations and location from helicopter. | 8/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/1/2 CS | Watching Brief photographs: feature 1, collapsed cut feature in the quarry section from E; location view of feature 1 from E; feature 2, point where enclosure ditch should cut quarry face from E; location view of features 1 and 2 from SE; feature 2a, possible ditch fill in section from E; feature 3, enclosure ditch in quarry section from N; location view of feature 3 from NW; feature 4, small cut feature in side of modern drain from E; location view of feature 4 from N; feature 5, circular enclosure from SW; detail of feature 5; location view of feature 5 from S; feature 6, detail of pit near feature 5; location view of feature 7 from E; location from S; feature 7, detail of large cut in quarry section face. | 12/4/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/4/7 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 5 pit 5451 with stones removed; Area 10 half section of feature 1041; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5330 with post pipe; half section of post-hole 5260; 5262; 5270/1 cutting 5248/9; 5422 and 5424; 5183; half section of pit 5181; Area 10 half section of feature 1015; 1021; 1023; 1031; 1033; 1035; 1037; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5426 cut by 5469; Area 7 industrial deposit 7067;excavation of industrial spread 7077; Area 5 pit 5434 and post-holes; post-hole 5438; half section of pit 5436; Area 7 clay dump 7056; stone spreads 7002 E of bunker; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5282; detail of 5282 showing carbonised wood; Area 7 general shots of excavation from E. | 7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/7/2 CS | Artefact photographs: conserved iron; SF17-21 (911155-911159); SF22, SF104, SF122, SF123 SF130 and SF412 (911160, 911163, 911167, 911168, 911170, 911180); SF24 (911161); SF117 (911165); SF134 (911171); SF220 (911179); SF463 (911208); SF105 and SF244 (911164, 911229); SF230, SF433 and SF432 (911227, 911233, 911235); SF245 and SF309 (911230, 911236); SF446 and SF460 (911232, 911237); SF466 and SF465 (911238, 911249); SF147-148, SF143 and SF486 (911241-911243, 911245); SF629(911389); SF679, SF682, SF802 and SF844 (911391-911392, 911396-911397); SF684 and SF850 (911393, 911399); SF901 and SF607 (911404, 911489); SF894 and SF989 (911403, 911411); SF1007, SF1044, SF1052, SF1056, SF1097 and SF1098 (911413, 911418-911422); SF1042, SF1202, SF1205 and SF1209 (911417, 911432-911434); SF1120, SF1124 and SF1165 (911424, 911426-911427); SF1176 (911428); SF1192, SF1200, SF1211, SF1252, SF1277 and SF1330 (911430-911431, 911435, 911439, 911441, 911446); SF1231 and SF1311 (911438, 911445); SF1349 (911447); SF1366, SF1377 and SF1392 (911466-911468); SF1379, SF1424 and SF1429 (911469-911471); SF1404, SF1408, SF1411 and SF1473 (911477, 911479-911481); SF1503, SF543, SF559, SF595 and SF599 (911483-911485, 911487-911488); SF563 (911486); SF635 (911490); SF272, SF271 and SF278 (911491-911493); SF340 (911494); SF1421 and SF1423 (911498, 911500). | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/8 | Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5/6 ditch and palisade from E; film card; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5083 with carbonised wood; half section of post-hole 5081; 5488; large stones 5490 in ditch; half section of pit 5456; 5456 with stone removed; half section of post-hole 5400; miscellaneous view; half section of post-hole 5512; 5512 post-ex showing stones; linear feature 5518 from E; post-hole 5550; Area 7 general views of kiln from E; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5566; 5558 detail; section through feature 5558 abutting ditch; section through pit 5149; Area 6 stone alignment 6003 from SW. | 7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/25 | Excavation and aerial photographs: oblique aerial views of Hoddom excavation; film card; Area 8 palisade slot 8179 in base of pit 8017; extent of layer 8185 in NW quadrant; post-ex of pit 8177; 8181; 8183; section through linear features S of flue; charcoal fill 8191 S of building; post-ex of 8189; red clay layer 8062; general view of large charcoal pit from N; charcoal pit and building from N; central feature in charcoal pit; burnt dark fill 8198 in 8062; extent of layer 8200; flagstones 8169 and lower mortar 8201 from W; section of 8198; 8206 from W; yellow clay layer 8199. | 10/1991 | Batch Level |