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Archive from excavations at Hoddom

551 5/6/15

Description Archive from excavations at Hoddom

Date 1991

Collection Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland

Catalogue Number 551 5/6/15

Category All Other


Collection Hierarchy - Sub-Group Level

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Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/5/2 PO Excavation photographs: polaroids taken of Area 6; layer 6001; layer 6002; stone alignment 6003; post-hole 6004; 6004/5; 6006; 6006/7; 6009 with bone; 6010; 6010/11; clay floor 6028; walling 6077; layer 6125; find 466; stones 6148; ditch cut 6173; post-hole 6188/9 with post in situ; post-hole 6190/1; 6208/9. 6/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/3/20 CS Excavation photographs: Area 7 half section of pits 7544-47; post-ex of post-hole 7542; post-ex of pit 7529; half section of floor 7173; half section of pits 7548 and 7558; 7551; post-ex of pit 7536; half section of post-hole 7556; post-ex of post-hole 7552; half section of pit 7560; post-ex of 7556; 7549 and 7559; 7545; 7561; pre-ex of layer 7176; half section of pit 7562; post-ex of 7562/3; pre-ex of clay layer 7177 from S; half section of pit 7576; pre-ex of linear feature 7580; post-ex of 7576/7; half section of pit 7581. 8/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/3/21 CS Excavation photographs: Area 7 half section of post-hole 7583/4; 7585/6; post-ex of 7584; 7581; half section of clay lined pit 7179-7181; post-ex of 7586; half section of layer 7177; large irregular cut 7595 S of building from E; pre-ex of ash spread 7191 abutting 7181; detail of scorching on 7143; half section of post-holes 7596/7 and 7600/1; post-ex of 7567 and 7601; E face of secondary stonework 7165; post-ex of pit 7181; half section of pit 7602; post-ex of 7181 and 7605; section through layer 7187; half section of pit 7606/7; post-ex of pit 7603; half section of pit 7598/9; post-ex of 7607; half section of pit 7608; post-ex of 7599; 7194. 8/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/4/8 CS Excavation photographs: Area 7 pebble spread 7078 from W; Area 5/6 ditch and palisade from W; ditch and palisade from E; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5083 with carbonised wood; half section of post-hole 5081; 5488; large stones 5490 in ditch; half section of pit 5456; 5456 with stone removed; half section of post-hole 5400; miscellaneous view; half section of post-hole 5512; 5512 post-ex showing stones; linear feature 5518 from E; post-hole 5550; Area 7 general view of kiln from E. 7/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/4/9 CS Excavation photographs: Area 7 kiln from E; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5566; section through feature 5558 abutting ditch; 5558 detail; section through pit 5149; Area 6 stone alignment 6003 from SW; Area 5 post-hole 5568/9; working shot; half section of post-hole 5570/1; Area 7 mixed spread 7120 in SW corner of bunker; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5574; 5576; Area 6 pre-ex of post-hole 6005/4; 6007/6; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5578; 5580; box section of post-hole 5145; Area 6 half section of 6006/7. 7/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/7/3 CS Artefact photographs: conserved lead; SF201, SF417, SF427, SF440, SF467 and SF484 (911172, 911181, 911228, 911234, 911240, 911244); SF156, SF154 and SF158 (911246-911248); SF782, SF856, SF907 and SF994 (911395, 911400, 911405, 911412); SF625, SF887, SF949 and SF934 (911394, 911401, 911408, 911407); SF1033 and SF1105 (911415, 911423); SF1122, SF1217, SF1229 and SF1027 (911425, 911436, 911437, 911414); SF1179, SF1255, SF1288, SF1298 and SF1308 (911429, 911440, 911442-911444); SF1392, SF1361, SF1442 and SF83 (911468, 911473, 911472, 911251). 1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/3/9 Excavation photographs: film card; Area 5 post-hole 5568/9; half section of post-hole 5570/1; Area 7 mixed spread 7120 in SW corner of bunker; Area 5 view of main structure post-holes from S; half section of post-hole 5574; 5576; Area 6 pre-ex of post-hole 6005/4; 6007/6; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5578; 5580; box section of post-hole 5145; Area 6 half section of 6006/7; Area 5 half section of pit 5582-5; Area 6 post-ex of 6006; half section of 6004/5; Area 5 half section of pit 5586/7; Area 6 post-ex of 6004. 7/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/5/3 PO Excavation photographs: polaroids taken of Area 7; excavation of kiln wall 7004; N wall 7020; 7023; 7024; soil and gravel layer 7025; clay layer 7026; floor layer 7028; gravel spread 7030; layer 7033; burnt clay spread 7039; 7040; occupation layer 7042; rubble spread 7046; stone feature 7047; stone group 7049; wall remains 7050; linear stone feature 7051; stone group 7053; clay dump 7056; stone feature 7057; dump 7067; rubble spread 7068; stone spread 7071; stone and gravel group 7078; rubble 7080; gravel spread 7081; clay and gravel spread 7084; industrial spread 7085; pebble spread 7086; midden material 7087; furnace 7088; layer 7103; 7104; wall 7106; rubble 7107; kiln wall 7109; 7111;7112; clay spread 7113; flue 7114; floor spread 7115; layer 7118; burnt grain 7119; spread 7120; 7121; cut 7127; early kiln 7143; stone flags 7146; 7148; post-hole fill 7155; 7156; 7157; 7158; wall 7165; ash spread 7191; leached lense 7176; fill 7245 with packing stones; packing stones in pit 7581/2; flue cut 7719; silt spread 7721; burnt spread 7722. 6/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/6/3 PO Aerial photographs: oblique and verticle views of Hoddom excavations and location. 8/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/6/4 PO Aerial photographs: oblique and verticle views of Hoddom excavations and location. 8/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/7/1 Artefact x-rays: iron artefacts; SF169, SF172, SF170, SF598, SF174, SF189 and SF171; SF629, SF679, SF682, SF684, SF802 and SF844 (911389, 911391-911393, 911396-911397); SF850, SF847, SF894, SF901, SF978 and SF989 (911399, 911398, 911403, 911404, 911410, 911411); SF1007, SF1042, SF1044, SF1052, SF1056 and SF1097 (911413, 911417-911421); SF1098, SF1120, SF1124, SF1165, SF1192, SF1200 and SF1202 (911422, 911424, 911426, 911427, 911430-911432); SF1205, SF1209, SF1211, SF1231, SF1252, SF1277 and SF1330 (911433-911435, 911438, 911439, 911441, 911446); SF1424 (911499); SF1423, SF1421 and SF1176 (911500, 911498, 911428); SF105, SF117, SF118, SF123, SF412, SF419 and SF134 (911164-911166, 911168, 911180, 911182, 911171); SF202 and SF211 (911173, 911176); SF21, SF22, SF24, SF103, SF104, SF19, SF122, SF130 (911159-911163, 911157, 911167, 911170); SF230, SF427, SF244, SF245, SF430, SF446, SF433, SF440, SF432 and SF463 (911227-911235, 911208); SF309, SF460, SF466, SF147, SF148, SF143, SF486, SF266, SF1366, SF1377 and SF1379 (911236-911238, 911241-911243, 911245, 911249, 911466, 911467, 911469); SF1424, SF1429, SF1404, SF1407, SF1408, SF1411, SF1473, SF1503, SF543, SF559 and SF563 (911470-911471, 911477-911481, 911483-911486); SF595, SF599, SF607, SF635, SF272, SF271, SF278, SF340, SF354 and SF173 (911487-911494, 911496-911497); SF463 (911208). 8/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/2/1 CS Assessment photographs: Area 5; preliminary shot after cleaning showing linear pit group; pre-excavation view of structure from SW; general view of relationship between structure 1 and unexcavated structure to W; general view of site location and environment; excavation of 2 pits 5116-5119 E of Area 5. 15/4/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/3/22 CS Excavation photographs: Area 7 post-ex of 7194; 7608; half section of pit 7610/1; 7612/3; post-ex of 7613; 7188 and 7194; 7611; 7619; half section of pit 7621; section through layer 7195 from SE; half section of post-hole 7198/9; half section of pit 7623; post-ex of pit 7622; general view of quarry site; working shots; half section of pit 7626; post-ex of pit 7624; 7614 an 7616; half section of pits 7629 and 7631; post-ex of 7627; half section of pit 7632; 7634/5 and pipe 7637; post-ex of pit 7633; post-ex of post-hole 7199; post-ex of pits 7628/7630; 7635. 8/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/4/10 CS Excavation photographs: Area 5 half section of pit 5582-5; Area 6 post-ex of 6006; half section of 6004/5; Area 5 half section of pit 5586/7; Area 6 post-ex of 6004; half section of post-hole 6008/9; bone in fill 6009; half section of post-hole 6010/11; Area 5 view of S end; general view of E end; general view of Area 6/7 ditch and buildings; Area 5 post-ex of pits in 5586 at W end; Area 6 half section of post-hole 6015/4; post-ex of 6010; 6012 and 6014; 6018 and 6016; cow burial pit 6008; post-ex of pit 6020; general views of central structure. 7/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/3/10 Excavation photographs: film card; Area 6 half section of post-hole 6008/9; bone in fill 6009; half section of post-hole 6010/11; Area 5 view of S end; view of N end; view of W end; post-ex of pits in 5586 at W end; Area 6 half section of post-hole 6015/4; post-ex of 6010; 6012 and 6014; 6018 and 6016; cow burial pit 6008; quarter sections of pit 6020; general views of central structure from NE. 7/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/3/11 Excavation photographs: film card; Area 6 half section of pit 6054 and associated post-holes; black deposit 6046 in house interior; general views of central structure from E; post-ex of 6020; W end of section through palisade trench 6052; section of 6052 W of structure; half section of post-hole 6059; Area 5 section through cut 5392; Area 6 packing stones 6055 in pit 6067; palisade trench cutting 6070; post-ex of 6068 stone setting; detail of rubble wall 6072; general view of 6072 from E. 8/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BP 125/3/26 Excavation photographs: film card; Area 8 yellow clay layer 8199; rubble and clay 8196 in trench S of house; 8199; half section of post-hole 8207/8; general view of 8201 from W; post-ex of 8208; detail of feature 8053; section through 8199; detail of 8209; working shot; lower pink clay 8210; N facing section through trench rubble 8196; section through 8210; general view of building, flue and drain; general shots of drain; cut 8061 for burnt clay and stones; Area 13 cut 3108 for well and large stones 3107. 10/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/2/2 CS Assessment photographs: Area 5; SE facing section across ditch 5160-67; SE facing section across palisade trench 5110-12; location of post-hole 5122/3; half section of 5122/3; pre-ex of post-hole group in NW wall line 5004-11; half section of 5004-11; half section of post-hole 5006/7; 5020/1; 5026/7; post-hole group 5007, 5009 and 5011; post-hole group with wall line in background; half section of post-hole 5034/5; 5094/5; 5100/01; 5038/9; 5102/3; 5098/9; 5044/5; 5130/1; 5060/1. 15/4/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/2/3 CS Assessment photographs: Area 5; post-hole 5060/1; working shot; excavation of clay fill 5157 in stone surround with stone fill 5168; half section of 5108/9; post-ex of post-hole 5064/5 with packing stones on right; half section of post-hole 5171/2; 5173/4; section trench through structure 1; half section of post-hole 5086/7; pits/post-hole group 5066/7 and 5180-83. 15/4/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/2/4 CS Assessment photographs: Area 5; half section of post-hole 5082/3; tower view; Survey area; section through enclosure ditch at sheep pit; Salvage area; trapezoidal pit 100/1 from N; cut 102; cut 103; cuts 102-103; cuts 111 and 113; 116, 118, 120, 122 and 124; half section of 100/1; working shot; line of ditch 2 from W; general view of stripped area from NW; knoll area from E; stripped area from N; stripped area and remaining field from NE; Survey of churchyard from W. 15/4/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/4/11 CS Excavation photographs: Area 6 general views of central structure; general view of curved walling cutting central structure; detail of walling; cut 6020; section through 6032; half section of pit 6035/6; post-ex of 6035; palisade trench from W towards structure; palisade trench from E towards baulk. 7/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/4/12 CS Excavation photographs: Area 6 section through 6037/8 in ditch S of structure; black deposit 6046 in structure interior; half section of pit 6054 and associated post-holes; W end of section through palisade trench 6052; section of 6052 W of structure; half section of post-hole 6059; Area 5 section through cut 5392; Area 6 packing stones 6055 in pit 6067; palisade trench cutting 6070; post-ex of 6068 stone setting; detail of rubble wall 6072; general views of 6072 from NE-E; working shot; Area 5 general view from W; half section of 5596; Area 6 post-hole 6073 with burnt timber in situ; house entrance with pivot 6074. 8/1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/7/4 CS Artefact photographs: conserved wood; carbonised bowl fragments SF177 (911256). 1991 Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images BS 105/7/6 CS Artefact photographs: conserved copper alloy; SF430 (930738). 1991 Batch Level

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