Excavation photographs: Area 6 section through 6037/8 in ditch S of structure; black deposit 6046 in structure interior; half section of pit 6054 and associated post-holes; W end of section through pa ...
BS 105/4/12 CS
Description Excavation photographs: Area 6 section through 6037/8 in ditch S of structure; black deposit 6046 in structure interior; half section of pit 6054 and associated post-holes; W end of section through palisade trench 6052; section of 6052 W of structure; half section of post-hole 6059; Area 5 section through cut 5392; Area 6 packing stones 6055 in pit 6067; palisade trench cutting 6070; post-ex of 6068 stone setting; detail of rubble wall 6072; general views of 6072 from NE-E; working shot; Area 5 general view from W; half section of 5596; Area 6 post-hole 6073 with burnt timber in situ; house entrance with pivot 6074.
Date 8/1991 to 8/1991
Collection Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland
Catalogue Number BS 105/4/12 CS
Category Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
Accession Number 2006/124
External Reference AOC136; Film IIL; Pic's 1230-1253.
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1074531