551 5/6/15
Description Archive from excavations at Hoddom
Date 1991
Collection Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 5/6/15
Category All Other
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1469863
Collection Hierarchy - Sub-Group Level
> Group Level (551 5/6) Archive from archaeological projects in Dumfries and Galloway Council area
>> Sub-Group Level (551 5/6/15) Archive from excavations at Hoddom
Preview | Category | Catalogue Number | Title | Date | Level |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/11 | Excavation drawings: N-S section through revetted terrace edge and well on S side of wall 3100-08; Plan of terrace edge 3102 and layer 3101; terrace stone 3102; E-W elevation of revetting wall 3102; Plan of well cut 3108 and upper part of collapsed stone 3107; N facing section through well 3107-09. | 8/10/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/1 | Assessment drawings: Area 1 plan; Area 1 E facing section; Area 2 E facing section; Area 3 E facing section; Area 4 section. | 1/2/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/12 | Survey drawings: Location plan of soil survey text pits 8-16 in Glebe Field; soil survey text pits 17-26 in Churchyard holm field; calculations for Glebe Field. | 3/9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/13 | Post-excavation working drawings: Evaluation Area 1-4 base plan; Area 5 base plans; location of stones; ditch and palisade; Area 6 base plans; ditch and palisade; Area 7 base plans; ditch and palisade; Area 8 base plans; ditch and palisade; Area 10 base plan; Area 11 base plan; Area 12 base plans. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/14 | Publication drawings: location plan and excavation layout; Hallguards estate plan. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/2 | Excavation drawings: Salvage area plan 102-111 N of Area 5; section of salvage area showing 107-109, 114, 125-127; plan of intercutting pits 128-129; plan of burnt layer 132; plan of clay floor 133; section across 128-133; plan of top clay floor 131; plan and section of curved feature 136/7 between Areas 7 and 11. | 6/5/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/3/1 | Excavation drawings: Pits and NW wall line 5000-5018 in plan; 5002-5038 in plan; plan of gravel and pits 5000, 5084-8086, 5090-5092 and 5120-5126; plan of pits 5044-5068, 5080-5082 and 5128-5130; plan of miscellaneous features 5094-5148 N of timber house; features 5100-5105 S of house; plan of SE wall and miscellaneous pits 5060-5082; section through ditch 5160-5166; section through ditch 5110-5112; short section through pits and hollows in 5115; continued section of 5115, 5157, 5168; continued section of 5157; plan of stone feature 5150 and 5157 in section trench; plan of stone features 5150 and 5168. | 15/4/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/3/2 | Excavation drawings: Plans; spread 5186; pallisade trench 5110; timber 5189; stones 5150; clay 5158; 5110 post-ex; roundwood 5196; flat stones 5150 E side; 5150 W side; stone box 5192/5197; 5192; clay floor 5187; section of 5187 and post hole 5172; stones 5202-5205; stones and stone box; section of 5187; ditch 5108; section of 5108; layers 5114/5179; burnt deposit 5206; flat stones 5204; layer 5188; 5208/5209; 5207; general plans of NE features; post-hole 5412/3; Sections/Profiles; 5044/46/48, 5130, 5054, 5487, 5171, 5299, 5060; 5153/55, 5216/5138, 5040, 5038; 5134/5222, 5036, 5295/5265, 5235/5233, 5239/5237, 5267; 5219/5218, 5270/1, 5249/47, 5245, 5253/5251; 5255/57, 5221, 5029/5303, 5030/5091, 5275; 5285/5272; 5136, 5050/5293, 5471/5313, 5269/5259, 5301, 5306/07; 5316/5321, 5326/5329, 5372/5375, 5184/85; 5062/63, 5336/37, 5068/69, 5016/17, 5370/71, 5171/72, 5392/93, 5394/95; 5034/35, 5230/31, 5330/31, 5332/33, 5024/25, 5429/28, 5021/20, 5427/26, 5388/89, 5354/55, 5348/49, 5114; 5448/49, 5070/71, 5340/41, 5450/51; Plans; pits C5392-5395; spread 5323; post-hole 5390/91; Sections; 5391/90 and 5453/52; 5380/81 and 5382/83; 5361/5363, 5377/76, 5000/01, 5122/23; Plan of stakeholes 5500-5547 at S end of building. | 20/6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/5/4 | Excavation drawings: Plan of features relating to flue 7718; post-holes 7757, 7765, 7777, 7785; Sections of post-holes; Plans of pits 7769, 7771, 7791, 7795, 7799, 7809, 7811, 7817; Sections of pits; Plans of post-holes 7762, 7776, 7782, 7794, 7798, 7804, 7806, 7819; Sections of post-holes; Sections of flue 7718 cuts 7716/7732; Plan of spreads relating to flue 7722, 7724, 7732, 7716; Plans of gravel spreads 7037; Section of pits 7764/63, 7735/36, 7738/39; Plan of pits; Section of flue 7718; Plan of flue cut 7719; Contour plans of Area 7 pits; Sections of pits 7081/02, 7807/08, 7813-16, 7821-31; Plans of pits; Sections of pits 7835-37, 7840-47; Plan of palisade trench 7038; Contour plans of pits. | 11/9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/6/1 | Excavation drawings: Plan of pebbles 8000; large feature 8003; clay layer 8004; layer 8005; charcoal deposit 8006; extent of 8007; clay 8004; extent of 8008 E of baulk; 8008 W of baulk; stone setting 8010; layer over ditch 8013; charcoal layer 8014; NE facing section of 8010; Plan of layer 8015; fill 8016 of sub-rectangular feature; cobble surface 8018; charcoal spread 8012; post-ex plan of 8010; fill 8018 inside structure; fill 8021 inside building; spread 8019; cut 8026; cobble spread 8027; ditch 8022 and bank 8036 with gravel 8040-49; deposit 8025/8023 in ditch 8022; 8028; ditch fills 8023/23/50 in 8022; fill 8030; fill 8031; burnt deposit 8020; spread 8033; cobble surface 8032; deposit 8035; SW facing section of ditch 8022; SW facing section through palisade trench 8041; ditch section with possible recut 8024; Plan of deposit 8045; collapsed wall 8034. | 3/9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/3/3 | Excavation drawings: Sections; 5032/33, 5014/15, 5342/43, 5004-5011, 5120/21, 5086/87, 5082/83; 5084/85, 5456-5459, 5378/79, 5366/67, 5078/79, 5304, 5386/87, 5384/85, 5461, 5352/53; 5358/59, 5346/47, 5092/93, 5398/99, 5092/93, 5402/03; Plan of stones 5484; Sections; 5062/63, 5294/95, 5180/81, 5334/35, 5206/61, 5182/83; 5314/15, 5212/13, 5470, 5310/11, 5473, 5364/65, 5471, 5478/79, 5480, 5308/09; 5080/81, 5482/83; 5340, 5472, 5450; 5027, 5248, 5422, 5270/5432; post-ex plan of features in N end of structure; plan of features 5317-5328, 5434-5437, 5491, 5550-5561; Sections of 5328, 5436/37, 5438/39, 5072/73, 5482/83; 5462/63, 5464, 5474-78, 5419, 5086/87, 5286/87, 5548, 5280/81, 5420, 5174, 5418; Plan of cuts 5375, 5185, 5063, 5061, 5416; levels for palisade trench drawings 264-271; sequence plans of ditch and palisade from W-E; Sections of 5080/81, 5444/45, 5400/01, 5084/85, 5458/59, 5456/57; 5376/77, 5488; Plan of stones 5113; post-ex of post-holes; post-holes and middle of structure; pre-excavation of features SW of Area 5; cut 5518; Sections of 5324/25, 5328, 5436/37, 5434/35; 5434/35, 5324, 5550/51, 5491, 5100/01, 5566/67, 5094/95, 5098/99; 5182/83, 5549, 5552, 5081; Plans of 5552; 5562/5081; post-ex of post-holes with form line contours; Sections of 5559/58, 5553, 5564/65; ditch 5564/65, 5558/59, 5167; Plan of 5558/5559; Section of 5102/03, 5148, 5572/73, 5149, 5568/69, 5571/70, 5581/80; Plan of 5559; Section of 5575/74, 5576/77, 5578/79. | 9/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/3/4 | Excavation drawings: Post-ex plan of features SW of Area 5, 5149, 5099, 5101, 5145, 5566; 5576, 5574, 5568, 5095; Section of 5582-5585; Plan of SW area 5580, 5570, 5582, 5584, 5586; Section of 5586/87, 5144/45; Plan of 5578; Composite plan of SW area features; pre-ex plan of 5574, 5576; Section of 5594/95, 5596/97; Plan of 5354; Sections of 5600-5605; post-ex plans of 5602, 5601, 5191; plan of mulitcontext feature at N end of building 5178, 5214, 5368. | 30/7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Prints and Drawings | BD 115/15 | Publication drawings: photocopies of draft illustrations; distribution map of anglian place names and structures; extent plan of recent plough truncation; areas of net soil loss and accumulation; lead distribution; draft matrices. | 1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/3/29 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 12 post-ex of pit 2118; 2123; 2112; 2115; half section of pit 2128/7; 2129/30 and 2131/2; post-ex of pit 2122; 2119; 2128; 2129 and 2131; general views of Area 12 and Area 8; Area 12 half section of pit 2138; 2133/4 and 2135/6; 2143/4 and 2145/6; 2142/1; 2140/39; post-ex of pit 2137; half section of pit 2153/4; 2152/1; 2147/8 and 2149/50; post-ex of 2152; 2140; half section of pit 2155/6; post-ex of 2144 and 2146; 2142; 2156; 2159; half section of pit 2161/2; post-ex of 2162. | 9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/4/4 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 7 general views from tower; view of Areas 5-7; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5040; post-ex of post-hole 5224; half section of post-hole 5228; 5230; 5030; gully 5338 from S; half section of post-holes 5134 and 5222; 5236; 5231/2 and post-ex of 5171; 5264; 5136; 5220; 5298 and 5296; 5248 and 5240; 5218 and 5128; post-ex of 5130; half section of post-holes 5244 and 5170; 5250 and 5252; post-ex of post-holes 5372 and 5374; half section of post-holes 5268 and 5258; 5300; 5138; 5153 and post-ex of 5044; half section of post-hole 5046. | 7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/3/6 | Excavation photographs: film card; Area 10(N) views from N after first cleaning; half section of pit 1010/11; 1012/13; Area 5 post-holes 5308 and 5478/9; half section of post-hole 5080; half section of pit/post-holes 5341, 5451, 5472 and 5449; half section of post-hole 5482; pits 5484 with large stones; Area 10 half section of post-hole 1025; 1027; half section of feature 1017 under W baulk; half section of feature 1019; 1029; rabbit burrow 1025; half section of feature 1039; Area 5 pit 5451 with stones removed; Area 10 half section of feature 1041; Area 5 half section of post-hole 5330 with post pipe; half section of post-hole 5260; 5262; 5270/1 cutting 5248/9; 5422 and 5424; 5183; half section of pit 5181; Area 10 half section of feature 1015; 1021; 1023; 1031; 1033. | 7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/5/1 PO | Excavation photographs: polaroids taken of Area 5; pit fill 5004; pit 5006/7; 5010/11; pit group 5003-5011; pit 5020-22; 5026/7; 5034/5; 5038/9; 5044/5; 5060/1; 5064/5; intercutting pits 5066, 5082 and 5080; pit 5072; 5082/3; 5086/7; 5094/5; 5098/9; 5100/01; 5102/03; 5108/9; linear feature 5111; pits 5116-9; 5122/3; pit fill 5130 with fragment of burnt daub; stone enclosure 5150; ditch 5167; pit 5171/2; 5173/4; 5183; clay layer 5187; carbonised wood in 5189; stone feature 5190; stones 5192; carbonised wood 5196; stone base 5197; stone feature 5202; 5203; 5204; packing stone 5457/6; stone feature 5484. | 4/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/5/6 PO | Excavation photographs: polaroids taken of Area 10; pit fill 1010/1; 1012/3. | 6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BP 125/5/7 PO | Excavation photographs: polaroids taken of Area 11; pit 2009/10; pit stones 2013; pit fill 2018; 2019; 2020; stone revetment 2021; stone fill 2024; fill 2028; post-hole 2034; 2036; 2043; burnt fill 2045; floor surface of pit 2048. | 6/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/3/30 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 12 half section of pit 2163; section and W baulk of ditch; Area 8 stones 8003 in SW corner of pit cutting ditch; Area 12 half section of pit 2166/5; post-ex of 2165; half section of 2167/8; 2169/70; 2172/1; post-ex of 2170; 2172; 2168; half section of pit 2173/4; post-ex of 2174; half section of pits 2181/2 and 2183/4; post-ex of 2182 and 2184; general post-excavation view of Area 12 pits from NE; Area 8 cobbled layer 8146 from N; Area 13 E end of terrace wall; terrace wall and sump from SW-S; miscellaneous worked stone found in cemetery. | 9/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/4/5 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 5 half section of post-hole 5054; 5050 and 5292; 5048; post-ex of 5304, 5060 and 5062; half section of post-hole 5302; 5284; 5330; 5024; 5020 and 5022; 5348 with post pipe; post-ex of 5018; half section of post-hole 5306; 5364; 5320, 5318 and 5316; 5328 and 5326; layer 5323 and post-hole 5390 from W; half section of post-hole 5390; 5370; 5354; post-holes 5068 and 5363; section through pit 5446; section through pit 5340; half section of post-hole 5342; post-ex of post-holes 5006, 5010 and 5008; half section of post-hole 5004; 5000; 5120; post-ex of 5122; half section of post-hole 5126; half section of pit 5092; 5086; half section of post-hole 5346; 5358; 5362; 5376; 5084. | 7/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/5/2 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 8 clay deposit 8203; gravel floor 8222; post-ex of post-hole 8255; half section of post-hole 8267/8; post-ex of post pipe 8269 in post-hole 8271; layer 8220 in passage; gravel spread 8221; post-ex of post-hole 8270; half section of post-hole 8274/5; E wall 8000 elevation with foundation courses from NE; detail of wall cut 8273 at SE corner from E; post-ex of 8275; charcoal layer 8285 in passage; stone 8278; post-ex of stakehole/post-hole 8280; 8284; 8282; post-holes 8286-8291; mortar layer 8293 in passage from W; 8293 from S; stone feature fill 8292; post-ex of 8286-91; layer 8237 in passage; layer 8327 in passage; stakeholes 8301 and 8299. | 29/11/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/5/3 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 8 post-ex of stakehole 8303; 8305; 8307; half section of stakeholes 8309/8, 8311/10 and 8313/2; 8314/5, 8316/7 and 8318/9; post-ex of 8321 and 8323; cut 8326 for stones 8202; cut 8329; cut 8333; post-ex of 8309, 8311 and 8313; 8315; layer 8338 in passage; layer 8335 in passage; half section of post-hole 8361/2; 8377/8; 8381/2; layer 8337 in passage; working shot. | 2/12/1991 | Batch Level | |
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images | BS 105/5/4 CS | Excavation photographs: Area 8 general view of building and passage features from S; red clay 8214 on passage stones; half section of post-hole 8383/4; 8385/6; 8387/8; 8389/90; stone lining 8216 of passage; half section of post-hole 8391/2; detail of SW corner after removal of S wall 8002/8194; half section of post-holes 8393/4 and 8395/6; detail of SE corner after removal of S wall 8001/8194; half section of post-holes 8397/8 and 8399/40; 8401/2; 8405/6 and 8403/4; 8409/10; stone find 149 showing detail of tool marks; working shot; detail of NW corner of structure 8002/8193. | 4/12/1991 | Batch Level |