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Archive from excavation, Sueno's Stone, Forres

551 5/16/1

Description Archive from excavation, Sueno's Stone, Forres

Collection Records of AOC Archaeology Group, archaeologists, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland

Catalogue Number 551 5/16/1

Category All Other


Collection Hierarchy - Sub-Group Level

Preview Category Catalogue Number Title Date Level
All Other BP 6/08 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 36 negatives taken during the last season of excavation. Includes excavation in Areas 7, 9, 10 and 11, and various test pits, plus views of the glass pavilion. Two views of Altyre House cross-slab. 1-14: Area 1, including shots of the glass pavilion and Altyre House cross-slab. 15-16: Area 9. 17-23: Test pits. 24-25: Area 7. 26-27: Area 10. 28-29: Test pit. 30-31: Area 11, after cleaning. 32-33: Area 7, features fully excavated. 34-37: Detail of the pavilion. 26/11/1991 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/09 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 10 negatives taken during the last season of excavation. Detail and general of Area 1. 5/12/1991 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/10 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 18 negatives of Sueno's Stone, detail and general, before the erection of the glass pavilion. 12/8/1991 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/01 Sueno's Stone excavation archive Test pits, baulk sections and features: 3: Test pit 3. 4: Test pit 2. 5: Test pit 1. 6: General view of area under excavation. 7-9: SW corner section. 10-12: Lower quarter of S section. 13-14: Middle of S section. 15-16: Upper portion of S section. 17-18: Top E corner of S section. 19-20: NW corner. 21-22: Lower quarter of N section. 23-24: Third quarter of N section. 25-26: Upper portion of N section. 27-28: W section. 29-30: Detail of a modern pit (contexts 6 and 7). 31-32: Stone in N section. 33-34: Two stripes in E half of site. 35-36: ? gully of indeterminate origin. 7/1996 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/02 Sueno's Stone excavation archive Excavation of features: 1-3: ? gully of indeterminate origin. 4-5: Gravel bank. 6-7: General shots of site from the W. 8-11: Modern pit (contexts 6 and 7). 12-15: Truncated pit (contexts 8,9 and 10). 7/1996 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/03 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 36 negatives of Areas 1-4 in the early stages of excavation: 3: Test pit 1 - NE section. 4-5: Area enclosing the Stone. 6-8: Area 2. 9-12: Stone encased for protection. 13-14: Half section through fill 12. 15-16: Half section through fill 11. 17-18: Half section through fill 8. 19: Working shot. 20-21: NW quadrant at the base of the Stone. 22-27: N end, middle and S end of Area 4, taken from the W. 28-29: Area 4. 30-31: Detail of truncated plough lines in Area 4. 32-35: Area 3. 36-37: N section of Area 4 - shows depth of stratigraphy with natural. 23/7/1990 Batch Level
All Other BS 6/08 CS Sueno's Stone excavation archive 24 slides of the glass pavilion, and excavation in Areas 1-2 and 7-9, plus various test pits. Slides of Altyre House cross-slab. 1-8: The glass pavilion and excavation in Area 1. 9-10: Area 2. 11-18: Excavation in Areas 7-9 and various test pits. 19-24: Altyre House cross-slab. 26/11/1991 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/04 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 36 negatives of the plinth and plinth capstone, and excavations in Areas 1-3: 3-6: E half of the plinth capstone (originally a mill wheel). 7-10: W half of the plinth capstone. 11-12: E side of the plinth. 13-14: W side of the plinth. 15-16: Area 3, N section. 17: Area 3, E section. 18-23: Top of the plinth with capstone F25 removed. 24-25: Sondaged section of NW corner of Area 2. 26-31: General of Area 1 and the Stone. 32-33: Putative hole in SE corner of the NW quadrant of Area 1. 34-35: Slab in SE quadrant of Area 1. 36-37: Cut 32 in Area 1. 29/7/1990 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/05 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 36 negatives of excavation around the base of the Stone: 3: Cut 32 in Area 1. 5-7: Small feature below base stones (contexts 42 and 35) in Area 1. 8-12: Tower shots of the SE quadrant. 13-14: Cut 23 in the SE quadrant. 15: Context 46 in the SE quadrant. 16-17: Base stone. 18-20: Contexts 47 and 48. 21-23: Section through contexts 48 and 49, fills of a modern feature. 24: Section through cut (51) of a posthole. 25-31: Section with base stone - context 60. 32-35: Context 32 - pit in the NW quadrant. 36-37: Base stone. 1/8/1990 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/06 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 20 negatives of the SE quadrant, and general views of Areas 1-4: 1-8: S facing section in SE quadrant. 9-20: General shots of Areas 1-4. 4/8/1990 Batch Level
All Other BP 6/07 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 22 negatives taken during the second season of excavation. Includes Trenches 2 and 3 in Area 1, plus general shots. 3/9/1991 Batch Level
All Other BD 5/02 Drawings 1-7. Surveys and plans of areas to be excavated. Plans and sections of features in area 2. SE quadrant N facing section and NW quadrant W facing section. Profile of feature 32. Section through cut 51. Plan of area 1. 1990 Batch Level
On-line Digital Images On-line Digital Images SC 2246510 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 36 negatives of Areas 1-4 in the early stages of excavation: 3: Test pit 1 - NE section. 4-5: Area enclosing the Stone. 6-8: Area 2. 9-12: Stone encased for protection. 13-14: Half section through fill 12. 15-16: Half section through fill 11. 17-18: Half section through fill 8. 19: Working shot. 20-21: NW quadrant at the base of the Stone. 22-27: N end, middle and S end of Area 4, taken from the W. 28-29: Area 4. 30-31: Detail of truncated plough lines in Area 4. 32-35: Area 3. 36-37: N section of Area 4 - shows depth of stratigraphy with natural. 23/7/1990 Item Level
On-line Digital Images On-line Digital Images SC 2246517 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 36 negatives of the plinth and plinth capstone, and excavations in Areas 1-3: 3-6: E half of the plinth capstone (originally a mill wheel). 7-10: W half of the plinth capstone. 11-12: E side of the plinth. 13-14: W side of the plinth. 15-16: Area 3, N section. 17: Area 3, E section. 18-23: Top of the plinth with capstone F25 removed. 24-25: Sondaged section of NW corner of Area 2. 26-31: General of Area 1 and the Stone. 32-33: Putative hole in SE corner of the NW quadrant of Area 1. 34-35: Slab in SE quadrant of Area 1. 36-37: Cut 32 in Area 1. 29/7/1990 Item Level
On-line Digital Images On-line Digital Images SC 2246520 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 36 negatives of excavation around the base of the Stone: 3: Cut 32 in Area 1. 5-7: Small feature below base stones (contexts 42 and 35) in Area 1. 8-12: Tower shots of the SE quadrant. 13-14: Cut 23 in the SE quadrant. 15: Context 46 in the SE quadrant. 16-17: Base stone. 18-20: Contexts 47 and 48. 21-23: Section through contexts 48 and 49, fills of a modern feature. 24: Section through cut (51) of a posthole. 25-31: Section with base stone - context 60. 32-35: Context 32 - pit in the NW quadrant. 36-37: Base stone. 1/8/1990 Item Level
On-line Digital Images On-line Digital Images SC 2246530 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 10 negatives taken during the last season of excavation. Detail and general of Area 1. 5/12/1991 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 1029/16 Sueno's Stone, Forres, Moray Report on the Disposal of Archaeological Material from the 1987 excavations (of foundation trenches for protection cover) to Elgin Museum 25/4/1994 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 1089/15 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 'Excavation at Sueno's Stone, Forres, Moray, 1990 - 1991' - final report for submission to PSAS. 10/1994 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 1089/54 Sueno's Stone excavation archive Retent processing sheets. 1992 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 1089/12 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 'Excavations at Sueno's Stone, Forres, Moray, 1990 - 1991' - first version with Historic Scotland comments. 2/1993 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 1089/13 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 'Excavations at Sueno's Stone, Forres, Moray, 1990 - 1991' - rough draft written August 1994. 8/1994 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 1089/14 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 'Excavations at Sueno's Stone, Forres, Moray, 1990 - 1991' - revised version. 10/1994 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 1089/16 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 'Sueno's Stone: Structures Report and Summaries of Results and Proposal for Further Archaeological Work, Part One'. 1990 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 1089/17 Sueno's Stone excavation archive 'Sueno's Stone: Structures Report and Summaries of Results and Proposal for Further Archaeological Work, Part Two'. 1990 Item Level

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